Privacy Policy

Commitment to Privacy:
The privacy of our consumers is our top priority at Software Shop LLC. We also promise to treat all visitor information with respect & authority, as outlined in our privacy statement. We respect your right to privacy, & this paper describes how we handle the data that has been entrusted to us.
We retain the right to edit this policy at any time, so please be aware that it may change. We invite visitors to check this website for updates on a regular basis. 

Information Acquisition:

We could get the following information:
Provide your name, address, phone number, email address, & payment details.

Making Use of Gathered Information:

We need the information we collect in order to better understand your requirements & provide you with services. We specifically use this information for:
- Keeping up internal documentation.
Improving the range of goods & services we provide.
- Sending out promotional emails with information about new arrivals, deals, or essential updates.
- Gathering market data & interacting with customers via different channels.
Customizing our website to each user's unique tastes.

Security Procedures:

At Software Shop LLC., protecting your information is of utmost importance. In order to prevent unauthorized access & disclosure of the data acquired online, appropriate administrative, technological, and physical precautions have been put in place.

Handling of Private Data:

Users may control how their personal data is collected and used by:
- Using the opt-out options offered in internet forms to decline receiving direct marketing messages.
- Sending us an email at to change their choices on getting promotions directly from us.
With the exception of situations when it is required by law or contract terms, we never sell, transfer, or lease users' personal information to third parties without their agreement. To fulfill distribution agreements or initiate subscriptions, we could, however, transmit personal information to dependable service providers. By expressing their desire, users may decide whether or not to receive promotional messages from third parties.

Obtaining & Correcting Personal Information:

Users may seek information about the personal data we have on them by according to relevant laws, such as the Personal Information Protection & Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) of 2001. This service may be provided for a little price. Users may reach us at the following number with questions or changes about their personal information:

In order to facilitate the required revisions, users are advised to tell Software Shop LLC. as soon as they feel any of the information we possess is incomplete or inaccurate.


At Software Shop LLC, providing accurate and up-to-date information is highly valued. On our marketplace, a range of security products from reliable partners associated with reputable businesses are offered. It is crucial to understand that we are only an independent online retailer and have no influence over the goods or services that are bought via our platform.Our promise to our customers is to provide accurate and trustworthy information. As a result, we would want to be clear that any registered trademarks, brand names, company names, and product names that are mentioned on our website are the property of their respective owners. We are only utilizing trademarks, brand names, and logos for educational purposes; we make no ownership claims about them. To ensure there are clear understanding, we have clearly stated disclaimers in prominent places across our website. Software Shop LLC is committed to safeguarding customers and abides by the FTC's Mail, Internet, or Telephone Order Merchandise Rule. We want to ensure that you have the choice to buy antivirus software straight from the makers' official websites when it is sold on our platform. We have given customers a clear grasp of how we operate by thoroughly outlining our return and purchase policies on our website. Our goal is to provide customers access to a trustworthy and secure online shop where they can buy security software. Since we are committed to providing assistance and support, we encourage customers to get in touch with us with any queries or problems they may be experiencing.